Saturday, August 23, 2008

See: Sign on Backside-->

"Kick here"

Yes, I need the kick. Really, feel free...kick me now. What is up? I'm slacking on exercise. Coming back from vacation is kinda hard. I ran and rode on my camping trip, but wtf happened when I came home? Oh hmm?

In other news my garden has started rockin' out the produce. This is good. Last year, I had NO luck or NO otherworldly knowledge like this year bestowed upon me. Like anyone cares that my thumb is green and I'm so proud.

Tomorrow is littlest child's 3rd birthday. Big news people. We are going to rock it to her request: Pink everything (yes, gag if you must), party go-ers bring their stuffed thingys, and then we "dance to Michael Jackson" <----really her words. I leave you with this very disturbing image.


George said...

Hey Ticia get back on your bike! I rode 135 miles with a 23 mile relentless climb to over 5600 ft elevation from sea level while you were blogging....

CraftyMama said...

lol... and I see your day was quite exciting. I got back on zee bike yesterday and then had a painful run. :)