Friday, February 20, 2009

Stupid cardiovascular!?#@ outdoor blasphemy??*&!$#

Oh hello :)

I rode my bicycle outside today. I rode a whole whopper (said sarcastically) 27.88 miles and told my rider buddies' I *may* cut out early (because last year this route was easy peasy by summertime and today it felt like a century) and I  stuck my cycling cleat firmly in my mouth today.  Holy hellicious-ness this route was my favorite complete with all the climbing up front and then the fast flats with friends giggling and "racing". However, with good weather, fantastic company, glorious smells of the outdoors, and some sarcastic friends she (me) huffed and puffed her way off the BACk of the pack today (bows head for shame factor). How did my fun little 30 ish miler become such a hard ass task? 

I was both humbled and inspired today. It was a great place to be both mentally and physically for me. I need to work MUCH harder :/

The gym=no substitute for the road! I will still go to the gym; I will also take more advantage of the road! 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Now I follow fashion Yo.

2 blog posts in a day...i'm on a roll. 
Is this: 

Inspired by "Dumb Donald" or what?
He had stripes though. However, I love the pink tie in. It really connected my thoughts on the ridiculous matter. Cohesion of fashion. 

When a girl stops blogging

does it mean she has nothing to say? 


I just haven't had anything blog worthy. Nothing funny, nothing quirky, nothing serious. Everyone else around me knows I always have plenty to say ;). I've been in a funk. I don't feel motivated to do anything. It takes a lot of effort to haul my booty to the gym and I'm either ON or OFF.  The house is a mess. I want to paint, but I'm color paralyzed. I tried to garden yesterday and remembered how much blood, sweat and tears it takes to grow 5 peas, 1 green tomato, and some worm infested root vegetable. I'll still take the challenge on because it is an excuse to have dirt under my fingernails and play with worms.

I really have been blogging or more like blog-journaling in the most sterile and mind numbing way on my "other" blog.  Now if I could clean up my diet I may be living some as semblance of what is known as synergy

A girl can dream.