Monday, July 28, 2008

I think I can

do a century on my bike. ??? That is a LOT of miles. I've only ever ridden 67 miles.

I was planning for my first century to be in September and it would be this one: Peach of a Century. It sounded tame with promises of mostly flat, rolling hills and moderate climbs. I like hills, but over about 30 miles or so I like them...not so sure about 100!!

So, I got to thinking about my goals. You know those pesky little buggers that guilt you subconsiously into conscious guilt ridden action for setting them or in my case a blatent and frequent sabbotage. One goal for this year was to knock out a "couple centuries". This idea rolls off the top of my tongue like butter. The idea rolls smoothly. In application I'm still unsuccessful only because I haven't even actually attempted the goal. That is of course a very important step in success or failure apparently.

I was toying with the idea of doing the Crater Lake METRIC Century on August 16th. However, we are going camping that day and I was trying to figure out all the logistics to make everyone happy and the traveling smooth and it isn't going to work so smoothly. Although this is a very excellent goal for next year.

My biking partner in crime up here suggested we attempt the Covered Bridge ride out in the Willamette Valley. So, I being the geek that I am had to go investigate the elevation gain for the ride and fancy that it is only a mere 3,500-ish feet of gain the whole 100 miles. The first number doesn't scare me....the second number "100 miles" doesn't feel like butter on my tongue anymore! It feels more like indigestion.

I am going to knock this baby out of the goal box on August 10th. Wish me lot's of physical and mental endurance. There, I'm committed I said it out loud.

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