Friday, January 25, 2008

Brrr..., but beautiful

That was my general feeling about the little 20 mile ride I did this afternoon, cold & sunny-gorgeous. 31-38 degrees is just not comfortable (especially when this amateur doesn't layer properly). Actually, I was okay it wasn't THAT bad. I could see my fingers, I just couldn't feel them. When we started up a few little hills though my blood got warm and pumping and my phalanges were working again. A nice man loaned me a warm little skull cap (my knitted one was too bulky). It was so clear and pretty out today; Mt St. Helen's was clearly visible to the north and to the east we could see a Mt. Hood. I enjoyed the ride and owe Miss Brandy aka: Cyclemama-super-mad-skills-endurance-woman a big thank you for motivating me to get out there. I don't know if I'll be braving the rain and cold, but dry and cold aren't so bad. It was fun to see some familiar faces on the ride today. We had a good sized group of maybe 10-12 riders. Fun day!

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