Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Now that I'm a self proclaimed You Tube Junkie

It's been cold, rainy, I've been sick and I just want to ride my new bike "outside". So I'm going to have a little soap box self proclamation if you all don't mind. I am going to seek help velly velly soon...You Tube is the *new* DEBIL. I'm on my way to recovery, but to all those that I have senselessly forwarded embedded links to "funny" videos I apologize now. I'm getting help. It has been a long 4 days of fever and mucus. Okay, one last one...just's funny, Margaret Cho is in it and there is cursing:)

Yes I'll go to the gosh forsaken air conditioned realm of stationary spinning sublimation, but I won't like it as much as the great outdoors!

and for good measure..I don't like odd videos so here is another just to keep things even :)

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