Sunday, March 11, 2007

Knitting ADD

I cannot commit all of my attention to a project lately. Exibit A: See all those projects. Is this normal?Perhaps, but my world view is small lately. My whole frame of reference pretty much exists within the confines of this house (winter blues much?). Here I sit comparing my attention span to 3 young children and my intrinsically motivated over achieving hubby. Hmm...sooooo unfair it just isn't really an objective comparison. Dr. Laura would suggest that I just put my children on a bike and take a ride outside to clear my head then I could come back to "focus". It's great advice, but I live up here in scary rural driving land with no bike lanes. One child on the back of a bike...yeah that was easy... 8 yrs ago! Phew got that out. ;) Where was I?

See. Vicious cycles of not ever getting to my point ending in yes....craft derailment.

My ADD isn't limited to knitting. It also floods my ability to keep my house in any order. To be fair to correct diagnosis I'd say my housekeeping skills are along the bi-polar diagnosis. I fluctuate between a house that is super duper tidy and one that is plagued by disarray.

In other totally unrelated news I have a huge ass spider bite upon my face. It is accompanied with 2 lumps on my neck below my ear and a pinched nerve/sore neck thing. So along with my bipolar sense of housekeeping, my ADD knitting, I now am a hypochondriac wondering if I've indeed been bitten by the infamous brown recluse or maybe I have cystitis. I really should stop googling NOW! Wikipedia is too much too much. Information overload!!!

Forgive me, sometimes a girl's just got to exercise her degree. Put down the mouse...pick up the needles :) Now that is a serene picture.

Lace, dishcloths...yo, psso, ssk, s1 I now know those pattern abbr.!!! Horay for me!

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