Saturday, March 31, 2007

Atlas "Shrugged"

Yeah so much for clever titles...

Here is the latest garment of mass construction: I bring you the shrug/capelet...whateveryoucallit. A little garment that serves barely the function of warming your upper torso and when you are umm..endowed it doesn't cover much and draws all the attention to your ummm...upper torso. I'm just not feelin' it.

I followed this pattern. I used this yummy fuzzy alpaca yarn I got at my LYS (8 -50g balls for 20 bucks!--used 5 balls) what a deal, but it is so sheddy I just don't know what to do? I need a cool broach. I am not the best model for this belongs on my cutie pie 8 yr old with some novelty buttons me thinks.

In other news I've been on a crazy hat knitting obsession/quest. Those I'll post later. In other other news I am now a chicken 4 lovely girls who lay us a dozen eggs a week.

We are off for the week to Silver Falls, OR to meet up with our friends and some good times. How is all this in non cohesive writing.

eh...that's me.

1 comment:

Norm Deplume said...

I'm sorry you don't love it, although it looks lovely in the picture. I made one of the shoulder-only type shrugs, but then it got cold again, so I haven't yet weaved in the ends. I hope I get some use out of it, but I'm having knitter's remorse on mine, too...