Thursday, January 04, 2007

Self imposed restriction

I haven't picked up my sticks to knit anything for days. I have myself on restriction until my house gets in order. It is actually motivating me to clean. I am aiming for Monday to be able to knit again. I figure I'll have caught up on the mess by then. :eek:

Nice mind games I play huh?

But...!! It has worked so well. I have my office all decluttered and shined up, 4 closets in order, a junk drawer decluttered and I'm going to tackle the kitchen later today.

It is back breaking work this whole "keeping your house tidy thing" and I don't know how well I'll be keeping it up.

In other news I've joined an "Adventure Group" and various camping groups to get some information on exploring the great NW. Edward mentioned to me that the adventure group might just be an undercover singles group. Geez, I hope not that would be uncomfortable tomorrow night at the first meeting. I'm thinking of joining this group too, it looks exactly what I'm looking for.

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